Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Rack Spins 3.20.07

Germans – Cape Fear
Working with a palette including the Flaming Lips’ extreme fuzz bass, Pavement’s wonderfully disaffected vocals, and the ecstatic bloops of an NES game, Germans craft informed yet idiosyncratic indie pop.

Germans - Tiger Vacuum Bottle

Germans - Pogos Abenteuer


Low – Drums and Guns
Another elegant and atmospheric record from this seminal indie rock band. Sparse lyrics about murder and death hover among subtle yet pregnant arrangements bursting with genuine emotion.

Low - Breaker
Low - Dragonfly


RJ Pettersen is an Assistant Music Director at WVAU. He is currently looking at a ginger root. RJ's radio show airs each Wednesday from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at www.wvau.org.

This is the trial run of the Rack Spins column, which RJ plans to publish twice weekly.
Future entries will not necessitate the use of sendspace, which, as you can probably tell, is cumbersome and just plain silly.

1 comment:

Matt said...

RJ I'm digging the blog activity!